lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Cholera in Haiti

Haiti, one of the poorest countries of america, is afected by cholera. Acoording of a multinacional relief, the epidemic has killed 250 people in one week, and infected 3 thousands more.

The cholera infected people easily, bacause the bactery can be transmitted by water. It produces vomiting and watery diarrhoea. If its not threated promptly, the people infected could die.

Specialist believed the source of the epidemic should stay on the Artibonite river. They are affraid the infection arrive to the Capital , Port-au-Prince.

“The most important thing is to isolate the cholera patients there from the rest of the patients…to prevent further spread od the disease” says Federica Nagaroto, of Médicins Sans Fronteries, one of the organizations who Works for controling the outbreak.

The epidemy of cholera in Haiti is a consequence of the earthquake in january of this year. The ground moviments destroyed the country and leaving one million of people homeles, in precarious housing and hygiene conditions.

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