martes, 22 de junio de 2010

My future...uhm

In the future i want to be a good Jounalist. This is the reason why i'm studying this degree and i'm giving my best.

I want to work in Bio Bio Radio Station. I allways want to do it, because i think its a good place to make news, in a critical way. But before, i want to do many things. One of this is travel. I want to move to different places, countries, working in many things that lend me enjoy the travel.

I would like visit Canada, Italy and Spain. I could work as waiter, pizza deliverer, or shop assistant.

Later, i want to come back to Chile, to share my experiences with family and friends, and try to get a job as journalist. Then, i will hardworking to get my objetive. I would like to take a master in Cultural Studies too.

It's obviously, but i want a love partner who loves me. Just this. I don't need a supermodel, or the smartest person in the world, i need a person who makes me company, understands me, and loves me.

I don't know if i wants to have a family. I'm sure i won't have it now, but i don't know what i will think about it in the future. If i have childens, i would don't like to have more than two. I have no some patience.

I would like live in Valparaíso, or in a city near the sea. I don't like the cities as Santiago, over popupated, with contamination and no some green areas. I like to enjoy the city i live.

I would like to have a good life, with good health, job and the company of the people i love. I think i have it in the pressent, but i want to keep it in the future.

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