jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

The Christmas

May favourite festivity is Christmas. I like it because it’s a time to join with all my family.

Every year it’s the same. We arrive to my granmother’s house with fruits, vegetables, fish, chiken, to make a big, big dinner. We start to prepare the food at 5 o clock, then, we can ready to sit and enjoy the food at half past nine.

Later, we do a long alter-dinner, and we got time to speak and tell jokes. My younger cousins are very ansiuss, waiting the arrival of the “Viejito pascuero” (he is not Santa Claus). In a quarter to 12, the midnight, the cousins go my grunny’s room. There, we turn off the lights and start to sings christmas carols, like “Noche de paz” and “Pobre Rodolfo el Reno”. But, the favourites is a adaptation of a popular and picaresque Hiroito’s song called “Viejito Lolero”, that we rename “Viejito, viejo Pascuero”.

When december 25th arrive, the Viejito Pascuero pass near the window and says “JO-JO-JO”. My younger cousins cry and feel they are in the paradise. The olders, just laugh.

Finally, they go to see the prices he gift. Sometimos the Viejito Pascuero gets they the right present. Sometimos, he’s wrong and my cousins cries. The olders not receive some gifts: we know the christmas is more than this.

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