jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Is the Capital Punishment is a good solution to reduce criminality?

No way. I don't think Capital Punishment is a good solution to reduce criminality because it just punishes people, but it is not a way to prevent it.

I think it is an easy and fast way to reduce the criminal population, this could be the pros. But it is not the solution. I think the crimes could be reduced if the goverment makes serious programs of rehabilitation and education to the people who commit crimes. Another way to do it, I think, it must to be make a change of mind: build a society collaborative and friendlier than ours, with more justice and equality of opportunities.

In Santiago is possible reduce crimes, but we don’t need capital punishment, prisons, hide cameras and thousands of police man on the streets. The government has to give good jobs, an excellent public education, and build parks. It means, improve the quality of the citizen’s life. The happy people don’t commit crimes.

The increasing of criminality in Chile is not absolutely real. Of course there are crimes, but Chile is not a dangerous country. “La Guerra y la Paz Ciudadana” is a investigation of the journalist Marcela Ramos and Juan Guzmán de Luigi that describes how the mass communication media, the political and the businessman has been work to shape the delinquency as the most important problem to the population.

Consequences of this construction are the Chilean people are the most victimize of Latin America, but, paradoxically, Chile is the safest country of the continent according research.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

The Christmas

May favourite festivity is Christmas. I like it because it’s a time to join with all my family.

Every year it’s the same. We arrive to my granmother’s house with fruits, vegetables, fish, chiken, to make a big, big dinner. We start to prepare the food at 5 o clock, then, we can ready to sit and enjoy the food at half past nine.

Later, we do a long alter-dinner, and we got time to speak and tell jokes. My younger cousins are very ansiuss, waiting the arrival of the “Viejito pascuero” (he is not Santa Claus). In a quarter to 12, the midnight, the cousins go my grunny’s room. There, we turn off the lights and start to sings christmas carols, like “Noche de paz” and “Pobre Rodolfo el Reno”. But, the favourites is a adaptation of a popular and picaresque Hiroito’s song called “Viejito Lolero”, that we rename “Viejito, viejo Pascuero”.

When december 25th arrive, the Viejito Pascuero pass near the window and says “JO-JO-JO”. My younger cousins cry and feel they are in the paradise. The olders, just laugh.

Finally, they go to see the prices he gift. Sometimos the Viejito Pascuero gets they the right present. Sometimos, he’s wrong and my cousins cries. The olders not receive some gifts: we know the christmas is more than this.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

The best piece of technology!

Obviously, my favorite piece of technology is the cell phone. Nothing can be compared with it. It’s simple to use: you open it (it’s a clamshell model), dial the number of the person you want to connect, and press the green key. That’s it!

I use it everyday, every time I can.

I got my first mobile when i was 15 years old. My parents were given me as a Christmas gift. It was bigger and heavier, it has a green screen, and sounds like a xylophone, but i loved it. I had it during two years, until two boys robed it to me.

I have had different kinds of cell phones. There was simple, no much expensive, but so much useful. Now I have a Samsumg model, with camera, voice recorder and mp3 player. Oh, I forget it: i have many minutes to speak too. Everything that a journalist could to need. That’s why i like it.

It’s difficult thinking my life without it, but I think I can do it. I could use the Public Phone, or go directly my friend’s house, and I could use my CD player. But I really prefer to have all in one piece, and this is my cell phone.

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

My dear friend

I have two best friends, Afro y Salva. I meeted they in the same place: the school. I love they. But this time, i tell you about Salvador because the last time i have to described a friend, i do it with Afrodita (Yes, this is her name).

I meeted him ten years ago. It was in march, in the first day of class. I was the new classmate, and he receive me.

He was wearing glasses, school clothes and he had a book of Jesus on his hands. He looked like a good boy, pacient, smart. But i was absolutely confused. On the contrary of the appearances, he was one of the worst students of the class: he liked to play jokes, he never peaked atention to the teacher, and he said bad words. His talent was the actuation, and he used to looked like an angel to the rest of the people.

I want to act too, so, we became friends easily. If we have to comapare to someone, i said we are like Pinky & Brain. He was always wrong, he comited thousands of mistakes, like Pinky, and i'm reflexive, sometimes machiavellian, like Brain. We are so diferent, and this is really funny. We like the same things, the same music, places, drinks, but we enyoy in different ways.

In this years we visited many places as Pichilemu, Las Docas, Puerto Savedra, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, and more. This winter we want to go to the Valle del Elqui, in the fourth region.

Now, we are not in the same place. I'm in Santiago studying journalism and he is in Valparaíso, studying actuation. When he can, he visited me, and when i can, i go to Valparaíso. But we preffer to join when we go to Rengo, our city, the place we have growing together.