jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Martín Caparrós, the best

Martín is a writter, but he writes as a journalist. He is a member of the New Journalism's tendency, born in 1960 in the United States. Básically, the journalist tryed to told the issues as a novel, using the style of the fiction to describe the reality.

Martín Caparrós was born in argentina in 1957, and he starded in the journalism at seventeen years old, in "Noticias" newspaper. Three years later, in 1976, he has sent to exile to Francia. He studied History in París, and later, he goes to Spain, the place he wrotes his first novel.

In 1991, he come back to Argentina, and he begin to write articles of travels. Then, he start to bacame famous, and he published his first book of journeys, called "Crónicas de fin de Siglo"

I knew his talent in 2006. My Fathers gitf his novel "Valfierno" to my sister, as a Chrismas gift. So, i took it, and i start to read it.

It was amazing, Cararrós told the story of a argentinian man who steal the Mona Lisa in 1911. The character has a problem of multiple personalities, one of them, is "Valfierno" a count obsessed in womans.

The novel is exciting, and it was a perfect excuse to keep reading Martín Caparrós’s books and articles. I’m not a fan, but I really like his narratives.

martes, 27 de abril de 2010

La Habana city. Beauty and wonderful

La Havana city is located in Cuba, in the caribbean sea. La Habana has no any facilities, because there is another economic model, called comunism. The people have no some money, but they have education, heath, food and house for free. The people are happy with this, and they don't like the American way of life. At least, the people i meet.

The internet, the cars, the luxury is expensive. But the food, books, handycrafts are cheaper. I don't think La Habana needs some facilities. This is the spirit of the city.

I traveled to La Habana in 2009 because i assisted to the Latinoamerican congress of comunication faculty. I traveled with ten of my classmates, and students of the University of Concepción, Católica of Concepción University and Universidad de las Américas. We went to Varadero too, and we stayed on a resort all inclusive. That was so funny!

I want to go back to Cuba, because i want to visit La Habana again, and i want to know Santa Clara, Playa Girón and Santiago de Cuba.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

The day of the earthquake

I've just arrived to Pichilemu beach. I were with my mom, dad and my uncle Paulina. This night i was joined with my fried Ignacio, who stayed on the beach too.
In the night we were walking to the center and looking a place to go party. But, finally, we decided to go home.

We buy some drinks and go to the house's terrace. My parents go to sleep and me, Paulina e Ignacio stayed drinking, talking and looking the beatiful moon on the sky. Suddenly, the ground stars to move. We were taking aur arms and try to calm down together. This is a earthquake, we thought. Yes it is.

When the earthquake ends, we took the bags, the drinks, foods and we go to Cerro La Cruz, the security zone of Pichilemu. Away of the beach, away of the tsunami risk.

The hill was full of people, all scared. We've go to the Igancio's uncle, because he has a house on the top hill. The house was full of people too. But all toghether, we waited for it gets light.

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Hi, welcome!

Hello,my name is Pablo Cádiz Pozo and i'm 21 years old. I come from Rengo, VI Region but actually i'm living in Santiago, because i study Journalism in this city.

I like the lemon pie, chocolates and vegetables. My favourite food is charquicán and my grunny's cazuela. I love the chilean food!

I like to listenin music, as Alanis Morissette, Pearl Jam, R.E.M, The Cranberries, Ana Tijoux, and more. I like to sit down on the couch and listening for hours. I like to go to the cinema and de theatre too.

When i got time, i like to go runnig. I believe in the complement of body and soul.

In this time, i'm learning English with my classmates of the university. We are in level 3, Preintermediatte, but i hope we will better.