lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Cholera in Haiti

Haiti, one of the poorest countries of america, is afected by cholera. Acoording of a multinacional relief, the epidemic has killed 250 people in one week, and infected 3 thousands more.

The cholera infected people easily, bacause the bactery can be transmitted by water. It produces vomiting and watery diarrhoea. If its not threated promptly, the people infected could die.

Specialist believed the source of the epidemic should stay on the Artibonite river. They are affraid the infection arrive to the Capital , Port-au-Prince.

“The most important thing is to isolate the cholera patients there from the rest of the patients…to prevent further spread od the disease” says Federica Nagaroto, of Médicins Sans Fronteries, one of the organizations who Works for controling the outbreak.

The epidemy of cholera in Haiti is a consequence of the earthquake in january of this year. The ground moviments destroyed the country and leaving one million of people homeles, in precarious housing and hygiene conditions.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

"Rabia": a great (but unknown) chilean movie

Today, i’ll write about the movie i see last weekend. This is Rabia, a chilean film of Oscar Cárdenas. This is not my favourite movie, but i really like it.

Camila Sepúlveda is a young and qualifyed woman, but she is unemployed. She has been looking for a job for one year, but she couldn’t find one. In the movie, Camila goes to many interviews, then, she has to compite against other womans for one place to work. Some of then, are very qualyfied, others, are prettier, or have some influences.”Pituto”, in the chilean vocabulary.

One year is too much time, but Camila is resigned. Her secretary courses and willigness to Work, are not enought. She is angry, she feels rage against the sistem, the limited opportunities, the daily routine, the life. But she still trying, everyday, taking care of presentation and the words she uses. Why do you think you could’t find a work? A man asked her. Lucky, she says.

“Rabia” is an interesting movie, because it helps us to reflect about our society, our relationship with work (sometimes, it seams we live for work, not work for live). Oscar Cárdenas, director and writter, uses the improvisation of actors to shows us natural dialogs and reactions. He uses an intimal camera, very close, to shows the actor’s impressions.

The movie has been filmed in just two days, wih two Mine DV cameras (the same you should use to recording birthday parties, or somethin else) and a seven people staff. This is part of the director’s astuteness, on use the minimal resourses to obtain great outputs.

In Fact, the movie was recieved a good critical and was presented in many cinema festivals around the World.

I really recommend you. You can find it on Icei’s library, for free.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

"The Big Bang Theory", the best

Do you remember “The revenge of nerds”?. Today, I'll don't write about this movie, but l'll do it about one of my favourite tv programs. This is “The Big Bang Theory”.

This is sitcom, but is more than jokes and voices of people laughing when the characters tells something funny. Sheldon and Leonard are two phisicist who lives toghether. They likes to play interactive games, colecting comics and eating tai food. They are nerds, loosers, or geek people if you want.

One day, a beautiful girl called Penny arrive to the front of their house. She is is an aspiring actress trying to forget her last relationship. They are very different, but they have to live together. They have to share the laundry, the stairs, the air.

Each episode shows the situations they lives. The personalities of the characters are very diferent, each one is very special. In the episodes they have to share with Sheldon and Leonard's friends, Raj and Wollowitz, an indian and jewish man respectively. They are very special too.

I like the serie because it's very funny. The episodes are no longer of 20 minutes, and you can join to the serie in the episode you want, because it has no continuity. You will not see the clasic “to be continued...”, not yet. But i recommend you start from the first episode, because you could see the changes of the caracters during the seasons. The Big Bang Theory started in 2007, and it has four seasons. The last begin in september.

My favourite character is Sheldon. He is a highly gifted man. He is cinical, and he loves show to the other people his talents. The character, portrayed by actor Jim Parsons, has an exceptional humor, and sometimes remember me “Mr Bean”, one of my favourite tv character.

If you want to laugh or got 20 minutes of relax, a good way is watch this serie. You can do it in Warner Channel or download it, like me.